RoboRecruiter Blog

Custom URL's and SendGrid

Written by Chris Collins | Oct 22, 2021 6:50:38 PM

We are announcing today that we have released the ability for all customers to use their own custom domain name for chatbot communication and their own SendGrid account. This allows you to be able to increase brand connectivity to your candidates, increasing engagement rates. 

Setting up your custom domain. 

Setting up your domain could not be easier. 

  • If you are an administrator go to your "Integrations"
  • From there you can now see the ability to add your domain. 
  • Once you do that you will see the DNS CNAME entries you need to add. You may need to contact your web administrator to do this.
  • Once you have done that, you are complete. The next campaign you do will have your own custom URL

Connecting to your own Sendgrid. 

The other capability in this release is to connect to your own SendGrid account. This will increase email deliverability. 

  • From the integrations section, you will see the ability to add your SendGrid keys
  • Follow the instructions in the link we provide and you are done. 

Happy recruiting!