RoboRecruiter Blog

Why Messaging Matters to Job Seekers

Written by Thomas Jenkins | Aug 23, 2017 8:58:42 PM

Thinking of a title here I would be better to say that the “Right” messaging matters to job seekers. Over the last several months I have been working with the team at RoboRecruiter creating conversations that our Bot would deliver to job seekers and the results are clear: be specific, add value and deliver a reason for people to engage with you and your brand. 

Far to often, and probably from a “this is the way we have always done it” type of attitude, companies and more specifically recruiters have relied on the same tired ways of communicating their opportunities. They then question their responses and wonder why they are not receiving the information they need to deliver results, fill positions and attract the right talent into their open roles. Let’s face it, its a tough market out there. High valued talent is in high demand and if you are going to attract the best, especially if you or your client is not the most well known brand, you need to use tools that will help you lift your game, maximize time and set your message out from the rest of your competition. A simple job description just does not cut it anymore. 

This is part of the reason that we starting working on RoboRecruiter. Having worked to build both recruitment, staffing and teams internally we understood the challenges they, people who wish to hire, face when trying to fill open roles. The best people are busy, they are mobile and they are in demand. They will make a career transition when they have a level of trust with a new company once they have had an opportunity to research, question and understand their role and responsibilities — understand where they fit into the new company’s vision and mission. Building this trust takes time. 

So what does this mean for those out there who’s mission it is to communicate this information? 

I heard an interesting statistic that even the best recruiters can only really have 20–25 “real” conversations a day. Think about that. If a recruiter can only have 20–25 conversations with different people each day and over half of these conversations are with people that are new contacts over the course of a month we are looking at around 200 new contacts a month and if half of these are not qualified for any number of reasons for your roles you are looking to fill you have cut your ability to fill positions down substantially. 

Part of RoboRecruiter’s mission is about helping people who hire find the time to maximize their ability to communicate with the “Right” group of contacts. The other is about being able to craft specific, personalized messaging using the latest automation techniques. We are in no-way trying to fake a human conversation — we are crafting conversations that are specific to the interest of the user and by doing so helping our clients, people who hire, save the time they need to execute and fill their or their client’s roles. Using the bot to initiate a conversation and then using messaging to guide responses developing trust, providing specific user information and collecting the information you need, leads to results. 

So what does this all mean in terms of results? Without beating our drum too loudly our results have blown even the most skeptical away. Get this- once a user opens the bot and starts communicating for those who complete the first question almost 80% go on to complete the entire question set. And how does this compare to emails — well from our initial pilots on data sets that have not been contacted in over 6 months we have had response rates as high as 25%. Impressive for sure but these results have really come from a few lessons we have learned:

  1. Be Specific: Personalize the message to the reader making sure that they know why they are being asked the questions they are being asked. Use personalization in both your emails, mobile messages and the bot channel. 
  2. Make the Conversation Two-way: Provide your users with information and be sure to ask them what they need or are looking for. Make sure your automated messaging allows them an opportunity to receive as much information as they are asked to provide — making the bot a good listener is important to establishing rapport. 
  3. Develop Trust: Best rule of thumb here is make sure that your automated message replicates real conversation — You would not ask for very personal details when you meet someone at a networking event for the 1st time and the same should hold true for your bot. Build to a level of trust so that people are inclined to share or at least to a level that allows you to pick up the phone and speak to them personally. 

Working on this project is truly exciting. If you are interested in more please reach out to us. Happy to share.